What We Do

Gin and Tit Cocktails presents the ultimate mobile bar experience, where we bring the party to you with style and flair. As a fully licensed and equipped mobile bar service, we specialize in catering to your every need, ensuring your event is nothing short of extraordinary.

Whether you’re planning an intimate private gathering, a pop-up glam party at your chosen venue, or a lively Kiki at a festival, Gin and Tit Cocktails is here to elevate the celebration. Our versatile team can seamlessly accommodate any number of guests, making every moment unforgettable.

With a commitment to excellence, we bring a unique blend of premium cocktails, professional service, and a vibrant atmosphere to create an immersive party experience. Let Gin and Tit Cocktails turn your event into a celebration to remember, no matter the occasion or venue size. Cheers to unforgettable moments and exceptional celebrations!

Why You’ll Love Us

Parus Major serves fabulous drinks at her Gin and Tit Cocktail Bar. Birds of a feather flock together to experience colourful classic favourites with bespoke twists. From your martinis to your tikis you will find whatever you were looking for here.

Bydd amrywiaeth o goctels Fegan a moctels wedi’u gweini gan yr afieithus Parus Major!
Mae Parus Major yn gweini diodydd gwych yn ei Bar Coctel Gin and Tit. O’ch martinis i’ch tikis fe ffeindiwch beth bynnag chi am fan hyn.